Go 229 ROCKET TRAINING The Gotha 229 was made of wood, since it was lightweight and metal was in short supply. The designers also believed that a wooden wing hit by a cannon shell would sustain less damage than a metal one. The wood construction, covered with a special radar absorbing paint, made this "flying wing" virtually undetectable by radar. YOUR MISSION At 607mph, the Go 229 flies three times as fast as a B-17. Six of these heavies are flying in echelon formation in front of your jet. Practice firing the R4M air-to-air rockets at the bombers using a stern attack. After you pass the bombers, "jink" in different directions to throw their gunners off. Because of the Gotha's speed, you shouldn't have to spend too long in their firing zone. When firing your rockets, aim them just above your intended target to compensate for their trajectory. Once you are accu- rate from in close, increase your firing range. Your rockets have a greater range than the B-17 gunners firing at you, so you can hit them without their guns being able to hit you. Your Go 229 cannot be damaged and has unlimited ammunition.